



Saturday, June 29, 2013 - Volume 4, Number 5

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With Malice Toward All  (Opposed, That Is)

Gains in Gay Rights Generate New Hate With Pride, Not Magnanimous Appreciation


New Gay Pride

Not So Gay

Hate: the New ‘Family’ Value?


Bloodlust Feels Good


Not long ago, in gay rights demonstrations around the country, it was routine to find posters and all manner of signs that read, “Hate Is not a Family Value.”  How times have changed.  Maybe it is okay as long as you hate all the “right people”?


It seems one constant of human behavior is bloodlust.  But it is not just the desire for revenge we are referring to here.  It is the growing visceral contempt and hatred for others that human beings seem to embrace when they gain advantage over an opposing side - even when that advantage is freely surrendered by the other side.  You see this in contests between nations, you can see it between small groups, and even between two people.  Old is the story of the younger brother always less favored than his older brother by their father, where the younger brother then grows more angry and contemptuous of the older brother with each overture of reconciliation and expression of regret by the elder – each seen by the younger not as a gesture of goodwill, but as an admission of guilt, of deserved culpability and blame, expressed only because of weakness and retreat, not moral reflection or evolution.  The story never ends happily.


Words vs. Sticks and Stones


American history has been nothing if not a constant reflection by those with the greatest voting power regarding the fair treatment of those with less power.  Many on the Left today like to believe that it is the superior moral power of their charges and accusations that brings people to heel to their demands, and thus, any concession is not one to be appreciated, but to be taken as evidence of their own moral superiority over all those who oppose them.  We might say that the mindset is very similar to those of the Spanish Inquisitors or Soviet Commissars.


The truth is, if the power of words of indignation and moral demand was all that was needed to secure freedoms, there would be no dictatorships on earth, no slavery, no mass slaughters, no tyrannies of any kind over others with the ability to talk.  All anyone would need is a good speech.  Even sympathetic courts are not enough.  Countless are the court decisions in other nations that have been rendered invalid by incensed mobs and self-interested sociopathic rulers alike.  Courts only have power when the people agree to abide them.


The fact, the undeniable truth, is that at every advance of human, political, and civic rights in the United States, the voting majority, even in war, had to at some point take a stand and accept a step in the direction that surrendered some of their power in favor of those with less.  Whether it was men voting to give women the power to vote, or white Americans voting for the Civil Rights acts of the 1960’s, or heterosexuals now turning to favor gay rights more broadly in every respect, the appeal to the majority for the higher fulfillment of America’s founding ideals is what has brought us this far. 


The Faith of MLK


We are not better than the people that came before us.  We are not superior to those who raised us.  We are heirs to their hard-fought lessons, traditions, and moral foundations that have enabled us to build on the progress they made across not just the last two-plus centuries, but since humankind first began its first steps to discovering and understanding what elevating human freedom should be.


Continued column 2 >



Ultrapolis World Forecast & Review

Ultrapolis Project – ultrapolisproject.com



Editor: Marco Antonio Roberts

Copy Editor: Michael Alberts

Contributing Editors:

Mark Eastman

Mark Steele










< From column 1


If it is true that good words and deeds calling people to a higher understanding of freedom and justice have had the power in the United States of America to bring about that higher freedom and justice, it is only because there was an audience for those words and deeds.  The great Martin Luther King must have had faith that the better part of white America, confronted with the cruel and immoral reality of racial segregation and white racism, would turn against it.  He must have believed that when whites heard him quote from the Anglo-white written document called the Declaration of Independence, white America would want to be truer to it.  It was a faith well placed.  (Some will deny the undeniable, that progress has been made, but that is because they cannot, like the disadvantaged younger brother, ever give any credit at all.)


How Many Can You Hate


In many recent postings online in the wake of the recent Supreme Court decisions affecting the issue of gay marriage, along the celebratory remarks were numerous condemnations and expressions of hatred for those deemed evil because of their opposition to gay marriage.  One typical example, posted by an intelligent, professional, well-educated, and otherwise congenial person read like this:


I hate homophobes, People who work to pass laws denying rights to us because we are gay are indeed HOMOPHOBES! I'm not going to hate away all my enemies. I'm going to call a spade a spade and FIGHT BACK!!! If it walks like a homophobe, talks like a homophobe, and passes laws denying my equality, then it is a homophobe!


This phenomenon in the wider media and academia was remarked upon in a recent issue of the progressively liberal New Republic by pro-gay marriage Michael Kingsley in an articled titled “Being Against Marriage Equality Doesn’t Make You a Monster.


When the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was passed, most Democrats, black and white, supported it, and Democratic President Bill Clinton signed into law.  Until the polls changed, President Barack Obama was not supportive of gay marriage, and neither were most Americans.  Were they all deserving of hate when they were not on board with gay marriage?  Most of the people of the earth are not on board today with this radical change in view.  All of them homophobes to be hated?


(Note:  The remarks by some members of the Supreme Court that “animus” was the basis of opposition to gay marriage has only fed this view, and was real ‘judgmentalism’ against other Americans that allowed the jurists to not address directly any of the actual arguments for the stated positions.  This is a disservice to the gay marriage debate, for it allows arguments against gay marriage to remain unanswered.)



Continued column 3 >


< From column 2


The Moral Clarity of Pain


As gay rights have advanced since the 1950’s, the tone of gay rights activism and sentiment towards others has turned from one of convincing, explaining, and promoting understanding to one of judgmental condemnation, and loud denunciation of all who oppose.  Not just targeting their ideas, mind you, but the totality of their worthiness as humans.  Other movements seemed to have followed the same ever-angrier path.


Most oppressed or disadvantaged human beings are not inherently superior to most human beings on the other end of the power spectrum.  If their views happen to be closer to the truth, it is almost certainly because as oppressed or disadvantaged, the truth is easier to see, and their emotional and personal stake in justice is far greater.  Their clarity is not evidence of inherent superiority, it is the expression of rational self-interest that all humans share.


Justice is Humble and Patient


In many places around the world and throughout time, each birth of human aspiration for freedom and true justice has nearly always been extinguished in its infancy.  But, in the United States, the majority of Americans have time and again heard the call of freedom, the call for true justice from those among them they previously did not understand.  And at each time, freedom has expanded.  This is not a sign of the moral superiority of the oppressed, or the rightness of supplanting one hate for another.  It is evidence of a particular kind of moral equality: Just as bloodlust is a constant of human behavior, so is the desire of most human beings, presented with free information, to be fair and just to their fellow men and women - a wonderful manisfestation of human nature enabled by the remarkable foundations of this country.


We are all to some extent products of our circumstances, and we should humbly accept the good fortune of our circumstances if these have led us closer to good truth.  And, in this good fortune we should find the magnanimity to extend some forbearance for those that as fellow human beings have not made that journey yet.




Our forecast record cannot be beat.  One can follow the herd chasing the latest hyperbolic, melodramatic, and soon-forgotten micro-trend on Facebook and Twitter, or one can be wisely and judiciously in front of it with UWFR. 


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